I am an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Arkansas, Walton College of Business. I received my PhD in 2017 from the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business in the Management and Organizations department.
I study entrepreneurship, non-market strategy and corporate social responsibility. Specifically, I’m interested in differences in how established firms and new ventures influence and are influenced by powerful stakeholders (such as elected officials, regulatory agencies and social movement activists), and the ramifications for firm competitiveness. I focus primarily on quantitative research methods including econometric analysis, surveys and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). My research has been published in Organization Science and Administrative Science Quarterly. My dissertation work received the Industry Studies Association Dissertation Award and the Academy of Management, Organizations and Natural Environment Division Dissertation Award.
I hold a B.S in International Resource Systems and a M.S. in Ecology from the University of British Columbia. I also hold a M.A. in Economics from the University of New Mexico.